We make it simple for parents and caregivers to find activities and events for children without the hours of searching online.

Scouring the internet for things to do with little ones is a consuming task. From outdated posts to missing information, it can be more draining to find an activity than it is to actually DO the activity.

We eliminated that struggle by curating a collection of the best events with up-to-date information searchable by relevant and helpful filters so you can quickly find the activities that suit your needs. Plus, we give you honest and unbiased reviews by parents and caregivers that have been there.

Our platform is more than a search engine - it is a community. We believe it is important for families to stay connected and that’s why Momizen makes it easy to mingle with likeminded families. Using our simple invitation tool, setting up playdates can be done in a couple clicks. No more phone tag and back and forth messaging.

We know first hand that families don’t have a lot of time to spend searching online for the perfect family outing. Add in the familiar struggle of being constantly busy most families stick to the same familiar parks and playgrounds.

By reaching out to other parents during social outings provided  most moms and dads with social comfort and new ideas for places to go. It was this act of community that inspired us to create Momizen.

Sign up with Momizen now so the next time you hear “I’m bored!” you’ll be prepared.